FMCA International Convention

We spent Monday and Tuesday working and trying to get as much done and be as pro-active as possible, as well as escape the rains, knowing that the rest of the week was set aside to see as much as possible of the FMCA Convention.

Not knowing what to expect, but having been to numerous mover’s conventions in the U.S. and abroad, we thought we were well prepared in giving us 3 1/2 days.

The Convention started Wednesday at 13:00h and we were there just in time.

We started with the outside RV displays as the weather forecast more rain for Thursday.

And got stuck at the Freightliner booth and talked chassis, weight distribution, airbags and everything else referring to the chassis. Joe was very helpful and asked us to bring our weight ticket next day to check on the correct tire pressure.

We spent the rest of the time checking out every RV that looked interesting and completely forgot to take pictures.