Arrival in Sandusky, OH

Sandusky, Ohio became a stop in our travels because of the roller coasters in Cedar Point. We did not know that it turned into much more.

We arrived at the KOA on a Thursday afternoon and a detour due to an accident, that turned our 90 minute trip into 3 hours. We knew the Verizon store around the corner was on our list of things to do as the previous attempt to order online did not work out.

After setting up in our tight site

we finished up work, went to the Verizon store and not only got our new jetpack (with unlimited data that is not really unlimited but another story) but also tips on a hairdresser, best bars and restaurants from Jack at Verizon.

After heading back and taking a stroll around the campground we went to bed, only to be awoken by loud train noise at 03:30h. Could not remember the train tracks we crossed on our way to the city being that close.

Friday saw mostly work and us going back to Verizon, as the jetpack did not work. An unknown problem that even the techs had not seen, but was taken care of by re-setting the unit.